lauantai 18. heinäkuuta 2009

Back to getting back

It´s been a while since I updated my blog - I´ve been so busy training I haven´t had the time! Seriously, I put in some big time training volume and I was in great shape in may - but then it happened.
It felt like a snap in my posterior and interior thigh, when i descended a small hill on a 33K run. Ironically, it was to be my last long run before Ironman France in Nice. It hurt quite bad, but I finished the run. Usually, this type of muscle pain or groin pull goes away. Turns out this wasn´t some minor overuse pain. One week later I tried to run a few steps, but it was totally impossible.
Went to doctor, got MRI, learned it was a stress fracture in the pubic ramus. That´s where the adductor and hamstring muscle groups are attached - powerful muscles that are under serious strain running and cycling.
And I was two weeks out of Nice. Nice. Doctor told me I could give it a shot, but then I´d have to rest for a couple of months. I did, swim was slow because I couldn´t use my legs, bike felt great - I really enjoyed being back out there, competing, after missing last season due to injury - but the "run" was horrible. I tried to complete the race running slowly, but it was too painful.
Afterwards, my groin was horribly tender, and I was afraid I had displaced the fracture. But the pain subdued in a couple of days and new x-ray taken this week revealed calcification on the pubic ramus, which means it is healing.
Also got some drug used to treat osteoporosis which is supposed to speed up the bone´s healing process. I feel much better now, three weeks after the race.
Doc said it´s ok to bike and swim, but I should avoid activities that cause pain (read: running). So I have been putting in some serious work on the bike, like 20h a weeek. This way, I can maintain my motivation, I my aerobic fitness - and my mental health! Also, I feel I´m really developing my cycling.
So, this week looks like this so far:
Monday 4 h MTB - fucking rainy and wet!
Tuesday 3 h road bike, averaging 35,5kph - just above aerobic threshold for me
Wednesday warmup + 2*10K time trial, first one 14:48, a PB on that particular, not very fast course.
Thursday 2*45 min MTB back and forth to work
Friday 30 min warmup + 50K at race pace (1.18:20) + 1 h cooldown
Saturday 180K at ironman race pace/4.59:24.

I´m still aiming for the Challenge Barcelona on October 4th. I don´t know about my running, but I think I´m gonna be in uberbike shape!